I Can Handle Just About Anything
Website Design
Asset Management
Description: Asset Management and Tracker system with QR code
Laravel, Mysql, Javascript, Bootstrap
Cheque Tracker
Description: Tracks cheque progress with API integration to CRM for customers to know status of their cheques
Web2py, Bootstrap, Javascript, Mysql
Cheque Writer
Description: Software generate cheque in Pdf for printing.
Accepts data in excel and converts numbers to words
Can be configured to print on any cheque book
Python, Tkinter, sqlite, reportlab, xlrd
Annual Statement Generator
Description: Generate annual statement for teachers in Pdf group by school, district and region.
Python, reportlab, sqlalchemy, microsoft sql 2008
District Portal
Description: This is a web based Issue Ticketing app for District Secretaries, where they can raise tickets and check the status of the tickets raised.
Web2py, Mysql, Javascript, Bootstrap
Food App
Description: This is a web based food selection app for employees to choose their weekly meal based on food vendor menu. HR can generate report to know which employees have not selected based on the menu, reports on employees and their food choice etc
Web2py, Mysql, Javascript, Bootstrap